

Friday, September 4, 2009

How You Can Lower Your New York Auto Insurance Rates

By Nancy Young

Its important to have New York auto insurance since it will save you in the event of a car related accident or when problems happen. Nobody wants to pay all the bills or expenses from any car issue by themselves therefore having a cheap New York car insurance policy helps. Unfortunately, you often get high New York auto insurance quotes which is generally attributed to increasing car thefts and rate of auto-related accidents. Regardless, there are still ways to get a cheap NY car insurance quote if you follow some helpful tips.

* You want to research online and learn about New York auto insurance quotes online and see what choices you have.

* For those that get full coverage, see if you can eliminate some pieces of it to reduce your rates?

* Look at your deductible levels. By increasing your deductible you agree that you will pay more should an accident occur before your insurance will pay. You will definitely lower the annual premium by doing this.

* Buy a car that isn't likely to be stolen. Car theft is high in New York and cars likely to be stolen cost more to insure. Foreign cars and expensive cars are frequently the ones to be stolen over a low profile car.

* Keep a good driving record for 3 years and you will see some discounts but any accident or DUI will eliminate that discount.

* The greater the number of safety devices on your car the more likely you are to get discounts from your New York car insurance company. Check with any insurance company to see what you can add and what the discount you will get.

* The better your credit rating the more your New York car insurance company will fel you are a good credit risk and allow you a lower premium.

* Be sure to have a low mileage, this is because the more you drive, the more potential you have for an auto related accident. For insurance companies, driving less reduces your risk as well as the charges.

* Most New York auto insurance companies offer more than just NY car insurance quotes. You can combine your New York auto insurance quotes with one for your home and are likely to save 10-20% on the rate of your car insurance premiums.

* All current and past military members automatically qualify for special discounts on their New York car insurance quotes from insurance companies.

Choosing a good and inexpensive New York auto insurance is possible however, you need to do some researching first to find out what your options are. By getting several New York car insurance quotes, you can find ones that work best for you and is still a cheap New York auto insurance plan.

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